Hi, What is ChucK's default output bit-depth? 16? every time I run it from the command line is resets the bit depth in OS X 10.4.7's Audio MIDI Settings to 16 bits. Is there a way to specify this? Also, when I run MiniAudicle (MacBook, 10.4.7), adding a shred containing access to the dac causes MiniAudicle to crash. I've tried numerous different settings in both the MiniAudicle preferences and in OS X's Audio MIDI settings. Also, generally, can anyone comment on the infuriating susceptibility of the OS X Audio MIDI settings to being overridden, reset, changed, etc., by practically any application? Obviously, I'm new to Mac/OS X, so any insight into how this affects the applications, themselves, would be appreciated, i.e., should I only worry about what the application audio settings/post is telling me? Thanks a lot, in advance... Matt