On Apr 1, 2009, at 12:00 PM, chuck-users-request@lists.cs.princeton.edu wrote:
Fellow ChucKists,
The .quine() member function of the Shred object (which returns the code of the shred in question as a string) doesn't correctly include comments for sporked functions.
To demonstrate, this works; =========================== //this is a comment <<
>>; ======================= Yet this;
===================== fun void foo() { //this is a comment second => now; me.quine(); }
spork ~ foo(); hour => now; ===================
only prints this (notice the removed comment);
[chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (unnamed1)... "second => now; me.quine();" : (string)
This is of course quite inconvenient.
Yours, Kas.
Kas, I am deeply concerned about the .quine() bug. Upon further testing, it appears to ignore every other comment yet print the others. Surely we must address this blatant problem somehow. Les