Hi list,
I wanted to have a static array of strings within a public class. This turns out not to be allowed yet but there is hope; instead of a plain error I got a hint;
"cannot declare static non-primitive ojects (yet) (hint; declare as ref (@) and initialise outside for now)"
This I don't get. What am I going to reference to what and where do I declare it?
Maybe I'm missing something. My reasoning was that I clearly needed something more primitive then a array so a int seemed like a good sort of thing I then declared the trouble maker (the array) outside of the class and tried asign the array to the int. At this ChucK protests (like a thought it should) because arrays and ints are different sorts of things.
Now I'm lost. What does this hint mean?
Aparently no static strings are allowed at all (and I can't realy see why those are less primitive then ints)?
Could somebody get me un-stuck?