martin robinson wrote:
Here is the first release of chuck~ for PD for anyone interested in that sort of thing:
It may still crash now, given weird input, though it's generally stable. I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who is using it or would like it to do something else. I'm particularly indebted to Brad Garton for the idea and the jumping off point for this. A little bit of documentation and a few example files are included.
Feel free to send along questions or comments.
Ok, I tried it. It compiled without problems, but the test example doesn't output any sound. There's no error from pd. The chuck~ object seems to load properly (setting vars and printing them works). I also tried with one of my chuck files. No output. Another thing that might interest you is that pd crashes when closing the window. I'm on linux (Slackware with a custom kernel). Pd has been built recently from CVS. Keep up with the good work. c. -- http://www.cesaremarilungo.com