Hi, I am quite new to ChucK (new to audio programming even), but my first impressions are positive. The language is clear and uses familiar concepts, so it is easy to pick up. I have written a demo application to let Chuck be controlled through Processing. See my blog post: http://visiblearea.com/blog/bin/view/ VisibleArea/ProcessingandChucK The demo now plays audio files, but it would be easy to change this to let it create and play custom audio. A number of issues I encountered (perhaps due to my ignorance): - It should be possible to start and stop the ChucK VM in Processing, but no stop handlers are called at closing the app, leaving the VM in the air. I understand this is an issue with Java applets. - I would have liked to use 1 FilePlayer class that is loaded only once into the VM, but I have not found a way to do this. Either: 1) call 'chuck fileplayer.ck' before demo files are called causes errors on running the demo files that FilePlayer is unknown 2) for every demo file call 'chuck fileplayer.ck chuckdemo.ck:all:sorts:of:params' causes an error that FilePlayer is already in the global VM space and this will stop the demo file from running - It would be great if MP3 files are played - How can I use the analysis tools to create an equalizer-like display? I am interested in your opinions and suggestions. Arthur Clemens