Hi again, Further to my message yesterday, here are the complete details for tomorrow's free workshop on live coding in ChucK, in downtown Toronto: 2-5 PM, Rogers Communication Centre at Ryerson University 80 Gould Street (at Church street)- just east of Yonge, and north of Dundas, near Dundas subway station. We will meet in the foyer at 2 PM and be lead into a closed studio. If you arrive after 2 PM, please call 289-439-3252 and we'll let you in. Map to the RCC: https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=80+gould+street&hl=en&hnear=80+Gould+St,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario+M5B&gl=ca&t=m&z=16 Yours truly, David On 2012-11-07, at 11:03 PM, David Ogborn wrote:
Hi all,
Just a heads up about a performance and workshop happening in the next couple of days in Toronto:
1. At 10 PM Sat Nov 10 at the Tranzac Club (292 Brunswick St, Toronto, closest subway: Spadina) the Cybernetic Orchestra - the laptop orchestra at McMaster with an emphasis on live coding will be playing a set as part of the 416 Improvisers Festival.
2. From 2-5 PM on Sat Nov 10 I'll lead a free public workshop on live coding in ChucK at a downtown Toronto location yet to be announced (I'll send a late-breaking update on these lists). The workshop will emphasize the kind of nimble, responsive coding performance we try to develop in the Cybernetic Orchestra!
Yours truly, David
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. David Ogborn,
Communication Studies & Multimedia, McMaster University Director, Cybernetic Orchestra & ESP Studio http://soundcloud.com/cyberneticorchestra http://esp.mcmaster.ca http://davidogborn.net http://twitter.com/ogbornd 1-905-525-9140 ext 27603
------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. David Ogborn, Assistant Professor Communication Studies & Multimedia Director, Cybernetic Orchestra & ESP Studio McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada ogbornd --at-- mcmaster.ca http://davidogborn.net http://twitter.com/ogbornd http://esp.mcmaster.ca (Cybernetic Orchestra) 1-905-525-9140 ext 27603