BTW: I can of course think of a lot of situations where this seperation of instrument/score (old csounder here) doesn't make sense, and I already use alot of that. But sometimes I just want to encapsulate that nice bassdrumm sound for reuse...
Yeah, I hear you. I think you'll have to live with seeing a sporked shred that takes care of the "controll-rate" for the envelope as a part of the patch. It's just a few lines anyway.
The goal of course is to be able to comfortably do either: abstract/encapsulate vs. integrate (the kitchen sink approach) (or any mix in between) I think it should be totally possible to separate/combine instrument/score in any number of ways, and to customize it to your liking. So far it's possible with the class system, but parts are cumbersome (lack of #include or auto-class discovery, classpath, namespaces). But we are working on it - it's essential to provide a flexible framework to built abstractions and libraries for reuse. Best, Ge!