This year at the electro-music 2009 festival, I did the ChucK community proud by winning the Laptop Battle along with a guy who played some awesome guitar (there were two winners this year). My routine was good, but for next year the electro-music 2008 Laptop Battle winner has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged me to a new five-minute timed battle! It's all in good fun, of course, yet I take the competition seriously. My performance will consist of a program controlled by one or two accelerometer boards such that when I move my hand(s) around, ChucK makes noise. I'll do dance or Tai Chi type motions and generate sound from ChucK that will thrill the audience! Right now I'm just collecting sounds to later stitch together into an application. Already kijjaz and I have created some very nice Thunder and Cannon Fire (posted to the wiki if you want the code), yet what is still lacking are two sounds: Lightning and what I can only call "Ripping a Hole in the Fabric of Space-Time", an eerie and ominous sound made by sweeping a hand from side to side. Maybe I'll light up some traffic flares and hold them in my hands during the performance for dramatic effect? Anyway, I'm calling on the ChucK community to provide me with some awesome engaging sounds. The battle isn't until September so we have lots of time to work on this, though I'd like to get something fleshed out in the next few months so I can practice and use the routine at sooner festivals. So give me your best! If you only have an idea for an algorithm, that will do nicely, I'll code it up and test it... You got your game on? Les (Inventor) For those about to ChucK we salute you! - Ge Wang!