On 12/8/06, David Michael
On 12/8/06, David Powers
wrote: In fact, I was trying to work on this a long time ago, but when I posted something about it to the list, I got ignored at that time. So I sort of gave up and moved on to other software.
Was this the post on HyperArray? I liked that class alot, it showed me how to work around the deficiencies of array.
Now that I have learned ChucK, I feel a bit more comfortable trying to implement it. But even HyperArray needs to have a set number of array items... and I have to make sure to include the class in a running instance of ChucK or either explicitly write the class in the file I want to use it in.... not exactly the most portable thing in the world, especially considering that there is not really another way to include files in classes, except on the command line.
The ChucK array object in general neednt follow the array conventions in C, but it does. Having said all that, I realize that ChucK is under development and a phD thesis. I still would love to see more powerful native arrays (like Ruby's or JavaScript's, which I realize are probably really linked lists).
~other David
Hello, yes, that was it. I didn't know anybody paid attention, maybe I would have kept at it. This post actually gives me a little incentive to return to ChucK and pick up where I left off. And I do agree with all of the above. Haven't used Ruby, but I've used lists in Python, it's amazing how fast you can perform various manipulations. I'm not a programmer, so my reference to C just mentioned it, because I took a C/C++ class once, and I have some vague familiarity. But I'm becoming more of a programmer all the time (Unfortunately, my main programming work currently, is writing portfolio pieces like arcade games in Flash ActionScript 2.0, which maybe doesn't qualify me as any kind of programmer at all, but at least it's got fairly good OOP and I'm having to write a lot of classes and think through their relationships.) But, as far as the missing array functionality, I think once they get the object-oriented/class stuff sorted out, that would also solve the problem. It just needs to be easier to extend chuck and include classes. It would be especially great if you could automatically tell chuck to include any classes within some specified folder, by default. So all your basic extended functionality just shows up in any chuck programs you run. ~David