hey kassen, chuckists i already "rolled" an ASIO version with the new chuck code. but then my hard disk crashed. fortunately i was able to backup the whole thing in advance to another disk, but i have no working desktop atm and can't acess this data. will try to set up the machine again asap and bring the new ASIO release to public. jassas /moudi -------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 00:23:27 +0200 Von: Kassen
An: "ChucK Users Mailing List" Betreff: [chuck-users] Asio build (please?)
Fellow ChucKists,
Would there perhaps be somebody who has some experience with building on Windows and who could spare the time to roll me and others like me a ASIO version of the latest& greatest? Perhaps somebody already has?
I'd like to use the latest version but I'd also like the have decent latency on Windows, judging by the download stats on the forum (where the previous versions were hosted) there is a significant amount of interest in this; the last version (by Moudi) was downloaded 34 times, the version before that (by Philippe) 184 times, I'm not sure exactly how many ChucKists there are but I suspect those to be signifficant numbers.
Eternal gratitude as well as a drink if/when/where we meet shall be yours.
Cheers, Kas.
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