Kassen wrote:
As for further tests that might be useful/ interesting; you could compare the Blit osc's to the regular ones (as well as try to deterimine what -if any- difference the amount of harmonics makes).
They are indeed more expensive than their counterparts. Number of harmonics doesn't seem to matter, though (see link below).
Another interesting thing to compare might be LiSa with multiple voices v.s. as many copies of SndBuf.
Hmm. Could you supply a test file for this?
The list goes on; we might want to know the cost of member functions like the .freq() parameter of filters, we may even want to know the cost of certain operations.
But this (and other operations needs to be done at a rate. Would every samp make sense? Or should we pump more operations per samp, for instance with a inline repeat? Another thing: Some UGens could prove more expensive in use (Envelope and ADSR seems to fall into this category), which ones should I test, and how? For Envelope/ADSR I simply connected them to a SinOsc, and found that the cost of ADSR => SinOsc => dac is more than ADSR => dac + SinOsc => dac. I've wrapped it up a bit, with direct links to the test files for easier browsing: http://atte.dk/chuck/ -- Atte http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk