Hi list, Contrary to what I thought ChucK's midi out can be used to send messages of lengths other then 3 bytes. ------------------ MidiOut mout; MidiMsg msg; mout.open(0); //refers to a program change on the first channel //add to it for following channels 192 => msg.data1; //refers to the program to be loaded 4 => msg.data2; mout.send(msg); ---------------- This should load the 5th program of the current bank on channel 1. " msg.data3" can be left blank or set to 0. Strictly speaking it could probably be loads of things because program change only has a single status byte but I imagine there would be issues if it would be set to -say- 144 so let's not push our luck. This was previously unclear to me and the documentation doesn't cover it so it might be usefull to others as well. Loading programs manually isn't the most expressive of musical gestures, after all... Yours, Kas.