cheers... it just seems that I subbed a bit too late to catch those e-mails... sorry to bring it all up again :) and thanks for reminding me on how to patch stuff... rarely get to do that these days, especially after having ditched slackware for ubuntu :) Atte André Jensen wrote:
Vassili Slessarenko wrote:
can't seem to figure this out. Have installed all the needed wxWidgets libraries in Ubuntu. but I keep on getting this:
You should apply the patch send by Cedric yesterday. If you're unfamiliar with patching software here's a quick how-to
1) save the patch somewhere on your computer 2) cd to the directory miniAudicle- 3) run "patch --dry-run -p1 < path_to_patch"
if 3) doesn't complain, but just says "patched this-and-that file" do
4) "patch -p1 < path_to_patch"