Thanks for you response. I'm gonna try that out right away,

By the way, wouldn't it be nice if this could be done more easily? Especially since ChucK is really into all the timey wimey stuff :)

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Gonzalo <> wrote:
I had a similar problem a while ago, Perry Cook suggested this, it might be of help:

One way to do it would be to pass it in
as an argument or other when you run ChucK.
This example uses stdin to read the output
of a <date> command in the shell:

//  Perry R. Cook, Dec. 2014
ConsoleInput stdin;     // gonna read from here
stdin.prompt("") => now; // wait until something comes in
string datetime; // date and time
string datetimenow; // plus time since chuck invoked tacked on
while (stdin.more())  {  stdin.getLine() => datetime;  } // read input
datetime.setCharAt(9,'-'); // replace time string colons
datetime.setCharAt(12,'-'); // with dashes instead
datetime+"-"+Std.ftoa(now/second,4) => datetimenow; // tack on time since chuck invoked
<<< datetimenow >>>;
// If you want to continue making updated unique
// strings, just keep redoing the datetimenow line
1.5*second => now;
datetime+"-"+Std.ftoa(now/second,4) => datetimenow; // tack on time since chuck invoked
<<< datetimenow >>>;

To use this:

date +"%m%d%y-%T" | chuck

Outputs (date-H-M-S-now):

"120614-15-00-09-0.0000" : (string)
"120614-15-00-09-1.5000" : (string)

On 2/05/2016 9:53 AM, Chiel ten Brinke wrote:
I would like to figure out the source of latency from chuck interacting
with another application via OSC. To do that, I want to print timestamps
of messages sent and received and compare these.
But here's the thing:

How do I print the absolute current time in chuck? The variable `now`
only seems to hold the time from the start of the process.

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