Hi There are a few more things regarding miniAudicle that would be nice (I'm on linux BTW): 1) When opening a file the focus should be directed to the edit area. Now it's just at the window, which means you have to click in the text area before you can type. Almost similar: Accessing save as (or save for unsaved file) leaves focus on I-don't-know-what, whereas is should go to the file name field in the dialog. 2) The native linux cut'n'paste by select and middle-click would be appreciated. Also thinks like ctrl-k (kill line) and ctrl-y (yank from kill buffer) would be great. They might take on another form, but a copy/paste without touching the mouse or some sort would be nice. 3) I think pressing tab in the editor should always mean "indent current line to relevant intention". I looked at OnCharAdded in mAView.c, but it seems that tab presses are never showing up in event.GetKey(). I'm not really famliar with cpp/wx (I did however work a bit with wxPython) but maybe it's a instantiation flag for the window or something. Unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out how to get tab to show up in GetKey. Maybe someone here (Spencer ?) knows how? If so, I think getting tab to behave as I suggest would be possible even for me :-) -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://atte.dk | http://myspace.com/attejensen http://anagrammer.dk | http://atte.dk/compositions