Hi Luis,

Are you sure the issue is between RunFile and RunCode? I would expect those two to behave the same way (but it's possible there is indeed a bug somewhere). That said, if you're calling one on a ChuckMainInstance vs a ChuckSubInstance, they would behave differently. The way that ChuckSubInstances are implemented, they have a mono Gain that secretly acts as a stand-in for their dac, so that their audio can be spatialized differently from other ChuckSubInstances. Running a ChucK script on a ChuckMainInstance should work as normally. Machine.add() would bypass the dac-replacement and also run normally.

If you want to use panning rather than Unity's spatialization, it might make sense for those scripts to be going to the ChuckMainInstance anyway. Do you have a use case where you want to use ChucK panning on a ChuckSubInstance?


On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 6:12 AM Luis Bergmann <luisbergmann@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I've been making a demo using Chunity to create music and sound for the Unity demo Space Shooter.

I think Chunity is great and open up lots of possibilities, not only regarding procedural synthesis but also implementing features commonly found in game audio middlewares like Fmod and Wwise.

One particularly odd issue that I've found is that when using RunFile the audio plays in mono only. That doesn't happen when using RunCode() or with Machine.add(), as the stereo image using Pan2 or SndBuf2 is not affected using these methods.

Does anyone notice that, or maybe I am missing something?

Best regards,


Luis Bergmann | +55 11 94284 0574
Twitter: @_luisbergmann

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