Or, I guess precisely none of it is in C++, since
http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/language/ugen.html (e.g. "coming
soon!")? I self-correct then, but comments and example code are most
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Al Matthews
Pardon my ignorance then, but how much of the DSP is in ChucK and how much in C++?
Seconding Jonathan's thanks for posting in this forum.
2011/6/6 Jonathan Reus
: Thanks for sharing, Kas. I would love to see ChucK used more heavily at Sonology. It's a language very well-suited to DSP pedagogy, and Sonology is very well known for its DSP courses.
I'd be curious if anyone knows of other programs using ChucK as a tool for teaching DSP? Most of the schools I've checked in with use some combination of SuperCollider and MaxMSP, which in my mind are perhaps abstracted a little too far from the metal, so to speak.
best always, Jonathan
2011/6/6 Kassen
Fellow ChucKists,
One of your Chuckist brothers and (lurtking?) list member, Caspar Schipper, is having a concert of his piece written in ChucK; Time 23 June · 19:30 - 21:30 Location Arnold Schoenbergzaal, Koninklijk Conservatorium, Den Haag Juliana van Stolberglaan 1 Den Haag, Netherlands
FB event thingy; http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=222298021130975 The cool thing is that all of the DSP is written in ChucK itself. I think this is the first piece of any serious length and complexity like that that I heard of. Gossip has it that Caspar will publish a bit online about this and his process, but of course it'd be nice to come by if you have the chance. So; I thought I'd post this as I think Caspar is a bit modest and this seems quite interesting; the "sonology" department at the local conservatory is quite famous and I think this is the first example of more extensive ChucK usage there. Yours, Kas.
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.......==__--~=-.---.--===-``````---_____...--+......,_ Jonathan Reus `. reusjc@gmail.com www.steim.nl +31 061 262 8283 ; Amsterdam, the Netherlands ....```---_____......==__--~=-.---.--===-`````---_
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-- Al Matthews
-- Al Matthews