Hi everybody, i have some osc-triggered synth shreds like the one attached, and tried to spice things up using pan control (basic, i know ...). Now, for the music i have in my mind, the respective shred is triggered about 10 - 15 times per second via OSC, and there are multiple of those shreds, including some granulation shreds. Now, even when i only trigger the attached shred with different pan values, ChucK crashes after a few seconds ... so i don't know, is the shred faulty, or is chuck simply not capable for what i have in mind ? Btw, i'm using Arch linux on a pretty recent laptop with plenty of ram and a fast processor, so resources should not be an issue ... ChucK error message: (JACK) the JACK server is shutting down this client... ... stream stopped and closed! [chuck]: cleaning up... terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RtError' what(): RtApi:: a stream is not open! JACK error message subgraph starting at ChucK timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=9, status = 0, state = Running, pollret = 0 revents = 0x0) Regards, nik