2008/9/22 Stephen Sinclair
I agree that it's not really clear at all.
Well... no... but it works. I'm not sure I get how exactly this applies to things like the coins yet but at least they make nice sounds and now I was able to get something that sounded like a large coin sliding over the floor which was what I needed. :¬)
I just tried too, this is loads of fun! Thanks a lot!
Cheers. :)
Oh, and one more thing; Is it just me or does Shakers not react at all to .freq( )? I realise many of these are only vaguely pitched but I would imagine switching from 50 to 2000 Hz to make a noticeable difference. .freq() does -when polled- claim it's set to the last value I set but I don't hear the difference. Could you or anyone else verify this? Yours, Kas.