ok, i have got the widgets working from ChucK. It is a bit primitive yet but looks very promising. I have a small problem, i needed to pass arrays in a couple of places, in the end i went for a dirty solution and the arrays are passed as strings like this "[''one, 'two']" and then are eval() in the python server. At the moment i can, from chuck, define the size, position of the wx window and create all widgets defined so far (slider, button, toggle, number, choice, radiobox). Then the widgets send back to ChucK data when they are interacted. The code to create the widgets looks pretty uggly now but as Spencer suggested i plan to hide it in some classes so that the user does not see all the OSC stuff, but works directly with some classes. Still the amount of code to set the OSC in ChucK is like 10 times more than in python, i want to see if i can find some way to make this look nicer. It would be cool to be able to trigger the python process from ChucK, i can do it the other way around but not from ChucK, any ideas? I will probably need help deciding the API for the ChucK classes that interface the osc. My brain does not think 100% ChucK yet and i might take some weird decisions if I dont get some feedback from proper ChucK users. enrike joerg piringer wrote:
works great! i'd like to contribute once the svn server is up. i could for example add code for my simple xy-control & maybe wiimote support.
one problem i ran into: one of the sockets isn't closed when i exit the app, so starting it again yields the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\developer\wxmirra\example.py", line 19, in ? MyApp(size=(400, 350), fps=10) File "C:\developer\wxmirra\wxmirra.py", line 155, in __init__ self.oscIn = osc.createListener(port=inPort) # in this case just using one socket File "C:\developer\wxmirra\osc\oscAPI.py", line 51, in createListener l.bind( (ipAddr, port) ) File "<string>", line 1, in bind error: (10048, 'Address already in use')
all the best joerg