2009/1/4 Kassen
If it were me, I'd make a new pair of rev/g in smack(), chuck the voice to it, then unchuck it on the way out. You're making shreds pretty fast so that may not lead to a script you can leave running for a long time, but it'd have the desired effect.
I'm not sure about this approach. Reverbs are the very last thing I'd have a large amount of due to the processing involved. If at all possible I'd always try to deal with the issue by setting volume and mix. Clearly this isn't always a option for all reverbs; we may want to throw acoustic viability to the wind and instead deal with reverb as a per-voice parameter for a "purely synthetic" aesthetic.
Yeah, it's not always an answer, but sometimes it is! And it's easy. So I try it!
It's a interesting issue; LiSa doesn't allow for per-voice outputs, nor do I think the ChucK architecture offers any options for that type of functionality; at least to my knowledge.
It'd probably be similar to .chan() syntax.
I don't have a computer with a SMS (that would have to be a Mac in this context, I think) at hand. ... I'm not sure, BTW, why the SMS is polled in this way and not using "hi => now;", is there something speciffic about the SMS that is different from other HID devices that makes this preferable or is there some other reason to go for this method?
I think it's just to get the particular sound you get when a new voice is fired at regular intervals... I don't know what kind of noise he's recording, but when I tried it sounded kind of nifty. 'Cause his code differs from the example script he seems to have copied. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/