17 Oct
17 Oct
2:02 p.m.
whats the current status of this project?
The Audicle release is tentatively planned for Christmas 2049... uh I mean 2005. There are several key features/bugs to remove/implement, respectively. The current set of things being worked on: http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/Audicle_DoThisNow If anyone is willing to beta-test the audicle, that would be excellent. We hope to start that next month.
oh and the release of chuck is very neat.
Thanks - we are glad to hear that! has just been released. Announcement/release notes will go out on the main 'chuck' mailing list soon. If you aren't on that list and want to sign up for marginally more spam: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/community.html Best, Ge!