18 Dec
18 Dec
3:20 a.m.
> chuck --bufsize128 foo.ck
That would translate to 1/44100 * 2 (stereo) * 2 (16 bit is two bytes) * 128 = 11,6 ms of latency, right?
the 128 refers to audio frames, and not bytes - so it's closer to 50ms latency from audio buffering, I think.
Try different powers of two to hopefully find a good balance between latency and stability.
That works great. Chorus still seems to be quite hungry. One aspect I still need to try out is using a single one and not two Chorus'es since it's now stereo as far as I unerstand.
Hmm... We haven't modified Chorus to be stereo yet. It's on the queue of things to implement (and nowhere else). Best, Ge!