I’ve verified that v1.2.1.3 does handle this correctly on windows.
I’ve also verified that latest version fails on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
-- Rich
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 12:00 PM
Subject: [chuck-users] chuck --loop not working on windows
I’ve written about this before, but the problem persists even with the latest build: (beta 7), win32
I’m running on 64-bit windows; might this be the issue?
Using bash syntax here. I’ve run under cmd.exe and under git bash with exactly same results.
If I say:
$ chuck –loop &
then say:
chuck + otf_01.ck
while in the examples directory,
I get:
-- chuck: remote operation timed out
the shell tells me that the first process exited with code 23
windows does it’'s “unknown error” dialog box thing and offers to close the program. I click “close” or “cancel” ...
I’ve used other permutations of “-p” with numberic argument on both invocations and –remote with hostname of, added –server (seems to be valid option but not described anywhere), and same result. 
However, if I start two terminals, cd to examples/osc, and in one say:
chuck r.ck #with no trailing “&” so it stays in foreground
and in second terminal say:
chuck s.ck #separate vm invocation – no “+” here
then things work fine – i.e. the two separate VMs communicate via OSC just fine.
Any idea what’s going on here?
-- Rich

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