Quoting Scott Wheeler
: I don't know much about the max/msp policy, but I think Cycling imagines it as a development environment and standalones/plugins are not covered by any Cycling rights-claims. There is a weirdness with Windows, if anyone is interested I recall some discussion in the archives.
I just grabbed the SDK and took a peek. It is definitely GPL incompatible as it requires linking to a non-OSS library. This isn't so much about the Max/MSP SDK license as the ChucK one. See: As such, chuck~ violates ChucK's license, not Cycling '74's. Again, I doubt the ChucK authors are deeply offended, but it'd be nice if their intent is to allow such things that such were made explicit. There are a number of ways to do that (the GPL provides a mechanism for exceptions, there are also popular more permissive licenses, the popular variations, in order of permissiveness being BSD, MPL and LGPL.). -Scott