Hi Julian!
This includes %\System32, so Chuck should be in the system path, I believe. My Chuck folder with bin, examples, and doc are all located in D:\Chuck. I use the start -> run -> cmd shell. When I enter "chuck --help" it loads all the chuck info, so I believe it's running fine. When I prompt to D:\Chuck\examples and enter "chuck otf_07.ck" or "chuck otf_07" though, it gives me "[otf_07(or.ck)]: no such file or directory."
This sounds like chuck is installed correctly, but it somehow cannot find the program to load. For our sanity, what is the output of: > dir otf_07.ck (in D:\Chuck\examples) Also, as an experiment, let's try using absolute path: > chuck D:\Chuck\examples\otf_06.ck (using otf_06.ck here because it doesn't require external sound files) Let us know how this goes. Thanks! Ge!