Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to have multiple samples of different sizes looping together. I think I kind of have it but would like to be sure :) Are the voices here for that? Record does not have a voice option, so I understand that I have to explicitly tell my sample what part of it is supposed to be 'voice 1' or 'voice 2'. Also in my code, I seem to have my voice2 starting from something like 1second before its end and then loop, did I miss something ? Here is my code: --------------------------------------------------------- //a simple signal path adc => LiSa saveme => dac; //gotta tell LiSa how much memory to allocate 60::second => saveme.duration; saveme.recRamp(200::ms); <<< "recording 1" >>>; 1::second => now; 1 => saveme.record; 3::second => now; 0 => saveme.record; // Set voice 1 start and stop to use in the loop saveme.loopStart(1, 0::second); saveme.loopEnd(1, 3::second); <<< "recording 2" >>>; 1::second => now; 1 => saveme.record; 10::second => now; 0 => saveme.record; // Set voice 2 start and stop to use in the loop saveme.loopStart(2, 3::second); saveme.loopEnd(2, 13::second); // set voice 1 to loop saveme.loop(1,1); // set voice 2 to loop saveme.loop(2,1); <<< "playing">>>; // play loops saveme.play(1,1); saveme.play(2,1); while (true) { 1::second => now; } ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for your help. Aurélien.