Hellooooo there ChecKists! I remember the date when I first met my buddy ChucK: October 13, 2007. That was also the day that I found electro-music.com, where the ChucK forum resides. I was a very bitter, angry, broken person back then and in the past four and a half years I have all but totally healed from that nightmare to become the very happy and satisfied person that I am today. It was the mighty power of ChucK and the electro-music community that were the most significant influences, well second to my walk with God but nothing tops that, which were responsible for that amazing transformation. Fast forward to this past Saturday and we had our Spring Equinox event, an annual celebration of music and friendship and good times. I wasn't sure what do do musically and I ended up creating a pretty good ambient synthesizer program if I do say so myself. At the last minute my friend Shane Morris prompted me to say a final message to close out the show as I was the last performer. Wondering if my faulty mic would hold up, I ended up talking the whole way through about personal stuff that everyone knows about but needs to be said once in a while. I talked about the ocean, the universe, eternity, and stuff like that as well. It turned out to be a very satisfying performance after all. If you would like to hear this performance (45 * 60 :: second => now; // duration of recording), please see this thread: http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=52293&start=50 and scroll down to the entry by "Inventor", which is my electro-music nickname. There you will also find ChucK source code for the ambient program that I ran as well as the corresponding OSCulator config file for setup of two WiiMotes (optional but highly recommended). I hope that some of you enjoy my work and get a laugh or two and maybe even a tear in your eye as I did from the whole thing. Thanks to all who have contributed to ChucK over the years, you really did make a difference in at least one guy's life. Les Hall (Inventor)