There isn't great documentation like those projects have, but if you want to embed ChucK then you just need to include all of the C++ files in the src/core folder. To use ChucK, make a new ChucK object and then all the functions you need to call are in chuck.h: https://github.com/ccrma/chuck/blob/master/src/core/chuck.h A typical sequence might look something like this: // create the_chuck = new ChucK(); // set params (see full list at top of chuck.h) the_chuck->setParam( CHUCK_PARAM_SAMPLE_RATE, (t_CKINT) MY_SRATE ); the_chuck->setParam( CHUCK_PARAM_INPUT_CHANNELS, (t_CKINT) MY_CHANNELS ); the_chuck->setParam( CHUCK_PARAM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS, (t_CKINT) MY_CHANNELS ); // init the_chuck->init(); // start the_chuck->start(); ... // add code the_chuck->compileCode( "SinOsc foo => dac; while(true) { 2::second => now; }", "" ); // or the_chuck->compileFile( "myChuckProgram.ck", "my:list:of:args:2:3.5" ); ... // in audio callback the_chuck->run( inBuffer, outBuffer, numFrames ); ... // elsewhere in your application, might want to use global variables the_chuck->setGlobalInt( "roughness", 2 ); the_chuck->broadcastGlobalEvent( "playTheSound" ); On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 4:07 AM Mario Buoninfante < mario.buoninfante@gmail.com> wrote:
Do we have anything like ctcsound ( https://csound.com/docs/ctcsound/ctcsound-API.html) or libpd ( http://libpd.cc/) for ChucK. I know changes have been made in the latest release, I was just wondering if there's anything to look at out there.
Cheers, Mario _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users