Ive managed to tweak the example more or less to the requirement however (in
the code below)
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Rustom Mody
fun void keyboardListener() { KBHit hi; int c; while(true) { hi => now; while(hi.more()) { //if(msg.isButtonDown()) hi.getchar() => c; { if(c == 68) // d 2 *=> Voice.multiplier; else if(c == 72) // h 2 /=> Voice.multiplier; else if(c == 73) // i Voice.decreaseSpread(); else if(c == 79) // o Voice.increaseSpread(); } } } }
if I change 2 *=> Voice.multiplier; to 1.5 *=> Voice.multiplier; chuck dies and cpu usage shows 100% Any clues/tips?