While not wireless, the GameTrak hard to beat as a ChucK controller: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31EYO0CTiRL._SL500_.jpg Think of it as a 6-axis joystick -- dual 3 axis -- where the z axis is derived from pulling a monofilament line that retracts into the base sitting on the floor. As a controller, it's fast and responsive. It's cheap: you can find one for under $9.99 on Amazon and other places. And visually, it's arguably more impressive than a wireless controller. But wait -- there's more! l've written ChucK libraries that filter out single-bit noise, etc, and would be happy to send them along. I needed to solder a jumper wire to put it into USB mode, but I've had zero problems with it since. I use it for all my live ChucK performances, and I'm thinking of buying another one (or two!) as a backup. Ping me for details. - rdp On 2010Apr06, at 10:05, Daniel Trueman wrote:
yeah, i basically hate the Wii.
Kas: have you tried multiple of these wireless playstation thingies in close proximity? like, imagine, say, 40 of them hooked up to individual laptops in a room? we managed to get this working with Wii, but it was painful.
On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Kassen wrote:
Personally I suggest instead getting one of the (playstation 2) games in the "RealPlay" series. The games are shovelware but they are cheap and come with wire-less controllers and HID-compliant usb- dongles. These are more accurate than the wiimote, cheaper, and fully Hid compliant so you are good to go immediately on any OS. This also eliminates the issues with Nintendo feeling the Bluetooth standard is a invitation to get creative instead of something to follow.