On 5/29/07, Kassen
That's easy. It's a simple question, a simple wish and a simple answer as well; in your chuck directory there should be a dir called /examples/midi/ and this contains examples about how to deal with MIDI.
That should get you started, at least.
holy shit, it worked!!! :) sorry for my enthusiasm, but you don't know how I've been struggling with getting something to work this past week (on my linux system in general). imagine my excitement just now when I chucked polyfony.ck and got sound! now I must change that script to get me a moog ;) this is great...exactly what I wanted in a system. something catered to live playing, where I can define the code prior to performance and then focus my attention on my midi keyboard during performance.
I've seen this question a few times now, maybe that means there should be more in the docs/manual about using MIDI traditionally.
I realize I represent a small subset of people who would actually want to use chuck for this purpose (not live coding, but playing a midi keyboard), but I think it would be worthwhile to mention it in the tutorial.
And yes; everything you mentioned is well within the realm of posibility.
Happy ChucKing, Kas.
apparently so! thank you for your kind, quick, and very informative answer. of course, the downside to enlightening me is that you will now have to put up with me on this list ;) -- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.com http://www.joshlawrencetrio.com