Hi Lu, just answering on regards to the code. Other questions might be addressed better by developers. There is 1 offending line, namely orec.event("/test/*, i s") @=> OscEvent e . This means your receiver is waiting for events of the form /test/*, which are never received for you are sending events / test/bla Trying to fix lu's code I realised that the following yields the same results: 1. xmit.startMsg("/test/bla", "i, s"); and xmit.startMsg("/test/ bla, i, s"); 2. orec.event("/test/bla", "i,s") @=> OscEvent e; and orec.event("/ test/bla, i,s") @=> OscEvent e; Should it be this way? eduard You may try this code, string words[]; ["foo", "bar", "foo2", "bar2"] @=> words; words.cap() => int size; size--; fun int sender(){ OscSend xmit; xmit.setHost("localhost",6449); 0 => int i; while(true){ now + 1000::ms => now; xmit.startMsg("/test/bla", "i, s"); i => xmit.addInt; //sending different ints to check it's receiving correct msgs words[i++ & size] => xmit.addString; // sending different strings } } spork ~ sender(); OscRecv orec; 6449 => orec.port; orec.listen(); orec.event("/test/bla, i,s") @=> OscEvent e; while(true){ e => now; e.nextMsg(); e.getInt() => int i1; e.getString() => string s1; <<<"event recieved!", i1, s1>>>; } On Mar 27, 2007, at 1:59 AM, Lukas Degener wrote:
Hi List,
Do I understand this correctly that I have to create an OscEvent for every single OSC method I want to listen for?
The docs say I can use any valid OSC address pattern, but this does not seem to work. I have attached a (stupid) program that demonstrates the problem. So I need a separate shred for each OSC method?
Which brings me to another thing I was wondering about lately: A shred can not wait for more than one event (including time passage) at the same time. So in many situtations, I will have no choice but to either do polling on a set of conditions, or create a separate shred for each event I am interested in. But this could be quite a large (theoretically infinit) number of shreds. Until now, I decided to use polling, but I was wondering if there was some kind of "proven pattern" that could be employed in such situations.
What is the overhead of a shred anyway? Would it be a problem to create a *lot* of them? Like - let's say - a couple of thousands? From some primitive experiments, it seems that the creation involves some noticeable overhead, but I already had thousands of them running (well, mostly idle) without any problem. Are there any upper bounds?
Otoh, is it a good idea to do polling in very short intervals, like the duration of one frame?
Sorry, lots of questions. :-)
Best Regards, --lu
fun int sender(){ OscSend xmit; xmit.setHost("localhost",6449); while(true){ now + 1000::ms => now; xmit.startMsg("/test/bla", "i s"); 42 => xmit.addInt; "knarz" => xmit.addString; }
} spork ~ sender();
OscRecv orec; 6449 => orec.port; orec.listen(); orec.event("/test/*, i s") @=> OscEvent e; while(true){ e => now; e.nextMsg(); <<<"event recieved!">>>; }
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