setting the gain of a UGen casted to UGen usually works,
Makes sense as that is one of the members they all have in common; I'd like to know about situations where it didn't.
but above example segfaults. It doesn't for a direct "Chubgraph"-instance. So I guess it is a bug in ChucK's class system.
Likely. Barring structural evidence it seems to me that ChucK's type system has particular issues with objects that have multiple types. "foo" might be a object, a UGen, a Filter and a LPF, all at the same time. We should be able to -legally- cast it up and down that hierarchy but this sometimes goes wrong, particularly when as in your example, it is also a element of a array. That's gut-feeling based on experience, it might be way off in the face of a formal analysis (TODO :-) ) Yours, Kas.