Hi I normally use ctags for finding my way through my own code. For those un-aware of ctags, its a utility that generates a TAGS file containing all functions and variables in a project. Armed with that emacs (or vi?) can quickly jump to the place where a certain definition is made, across files and directories. Now, ctags clearly needs to understand the structure of the code, and unfortunately (but understandably) chuck is not on the list of supported languages. But parsing in a syntactically similar language is often enough. My question is: which of the following languages resembles chuck the most, syntacticlly speaking (my guess is Java): [atte@aarhus midi_input_07]$ etags --list-languages Asm Asp Awk BETA C C++ C# Cobol Eiffel Erlang Fortran HTML Java JavaScript Lisp Lua Make Pascal Perl PHP Python REXX Ruby Scheme Sh SLang SML SQL Tcl Vera Verilog Vim YACC -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk