7 May
7 May
9:31 p.m.
2009/5/7 Kassen
Let's have a look at this;
ArrayOutOfBounds: in shred[id=2:tr8or.ck], PC=[3565], index=[4]
Ok, so it's a array that gets defined in my main shred and it's one that's 4 or less elements in size. That narrows it down considerably but we're not there yet. Now, I have the feeling that ChucK is trying to tell me something with the "PC=[3565]" but that bit is quite useless to me as I have no idea what it means.
Questions; What does the PC bit mean? How is it useful? Can we consider ways of making it more useful?
I *think* it's "program counter," the number of the bytecode instruction where the exception occurred. A line number would be nicer, huh? :D -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/