fre 2007-11-02 klockan 16:41 -0300 skrev francis keyes:
This may be a silly question but is it possible to read data into a chuck program from a file?
Given the code below for example, would it be possible to store the parameters for the Std.rand2f function in a text file and have chuck read them from the file on every loop? // make our patch SinOsc s => dac;
// time-loop, in which the osc's frequency is changed every 100 ms
while( true ) { 1000::ms => now; Std.rand2f(30.0, 1000.0) => s.freq; }
Sorry, as far as I know, textfiles can't be written, or read at the moment. It's very high up in the TODO-liST, though (I think). Since you want to store float-point numbers, you might be able to hack around this limitation by fiddling a bit: save every float in a array, and when you quit you iterate (use a for-loop) over that array and feed the float-points into a impulse/step, which you record using WvOut. If you want to use them again in a chuck-program, you load the file in a SndBuf and put the floats back into an array by using .last() in a for-loop. However, if you want to use the numbers outside chuck/audio-programming-language, it gets tricky. In that case, you are best off if you print the values to the screen and copy/past them to a text-file. Hope that helps, Gasten