6 Jul
6 Jul
7:13 p.m.
Hi, I have an array of strings (p1) that contains the same names of SndBuff instances (kk sn), I would like to pass the strings of the array to trigger samples and I don't know how to do it. Here is some test code: SndBuf kk => dac; SndBuf sn => dac; me.dir() + "/audio/kick_01.wav" => kk.read; me.dir() + "/audio/snare_01.wav" => sn.read; kk.samples() => kk.pos; sn.samples() => sn.pos; while( true ) { ["kk", "sn"] @=> string p1[]; for( 0 => int i; i < p1.cap(); i++) { 0 => p1[i].pos; // not working 0.25::second => now; } } Thanks, Federico López