I'd like to suggest backing up a bit, attempt to (re)establish clearly what the real questions are here and go from there.
I would absolutely love that, Kassen - and I would appreciate if Mr. Michal Seta would do the same. In advance, I'm sorry if I ticked off some circuits in his brain without intending to. Of course, my last missive to him was written with the intent of putting him off. With that silly exception.....
Writing one's own instrument inherently leads to deep questions about what we think a instrument is, what music is, perhaps even who we ourselves are, on some level.
I think this discussion started from me because ChucK appeared to me (from it's website) as a "language" whose scripts could be modified on-the-fly. After a couple of days of play, it seems a great type of software tp play with sound at a fundamental level. You can write your own plugins etc, but it does not qualify as a language. A language can be ported across platforms more easily - like a population across a border. Software is much heavier, like the freakin Taj Mahal someone made for hid dead wife. (forgive the metaphors there. i'm just trying to be funny!)