On the positive side, chuck will now let me write to the dac when adc has
zero channels. However, now I can't seem to read two channels from a stereo
file via sndbuf. Very simple program follows, along with chuck's error
message and --probe results.
// sound file
string filename;
"music.wav" => filename;
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => filename;
// the patch
SndBuf buf;
// load the file
filename => buf.read;
0 => buf.pos;
1.0 => buf.gain;
1.0 => buf.rate;
// this one works
buf.chan(0) => dac.left;
// however, reading from channel 1 blows up
buf.chan(1) => dac.right;
// time loop
while( true ) {
100::ms => now;
C:\Users\rjc\projects\chuck\rich>chuck sndbuf.ck
2 :(int)
[chuck](VM): NullPointerException: (UGen link) in shred[id=1:sndbuf.ck],
C:\Users\rjc\projects\chuck\rich>chuck --probe
[chuck]: found 2 device(s) ...
[chuck]: ------( audio device: 1 )---------------
[chuck]: device name = "Default Device"
[chuck]: probe [success] ...
[chuck]: # output channels = 2
[chuck]: # input channels = 0
[chuck]: # duplex Channels = 0
[chuck]: default output = YES
[chuck]: default input = NO
[chuck]: natively supported data formats:
[chuck]: 8-bit int
[chuck]: 16-bit int
[chuck]: supported sample rates:
[chuck]: 4000 Hz
[chuck]: 5512 Hz
[chuck]: 8000 Hz
[chuck]: 9600 Hz
[chuck]: 11025 Hz
[chuck]: 16000 Hz
[chuck]: 22050 Hz
[chuck]: 32000 Hz
[chuck]: 44100 Hz
[chuck]: 48000 Hz
[chuck]: 88200 Hz
[chuck]: 96000 Hz
[chuck]: 176400 Hz
[chuck]: 192000 Hz
[chuck]: ------( audio device: 2 )---------------
[chuck]: device name = "Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)"
[chuck]: probe [success] ...
[chuck]: # output channels = 2
[chuck]: # input channels = 0
[chuck]: # duplex Channels = 0
[chuck]: default output = NO
[chuck]: default input = NO
[chuck]: natively supported data formats:
[chuck]: 8-bit int
[chuck]: 16-bit int
[chuck]: supported sample rates:
[chuck]: 4000 Hz
[chuck]: 5512 Hz
[chuck]: 8000 Hz
[chuck]: 9600 Hz
[chuck]: 11025 Hz
[chuck]: 16000 Hz
[chuck]: 22050 Hz
[chuck]: 32000 Hz
[chuck]: 44100 Hz
[chuck]: 48000 Hz
[chuck]: 88200 Hz
[chuck]: 96000 Hz
[chuck]: 176400 Hz
[chuck]: 192000 Hz
[chuck](via RtMidi): RtMidiIn::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently
[chuck]: ------( chuck -- 0 MIDI inputs )------
[chuck]: ------( chuck -- 1 MIDI outputs )-----
[chuck]: [0] : "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth"
-----Original Message-----
From: Ge Wang
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 9:43 AM
To: chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu
Subject: [chuck-users] (chimera) released!
Greetings all!
chuck- (chimera) is available:
This release addresses some of the recent issues discussed on this list,
includes 2 important bug fixes, and adds automatic sample rate detection
for JACK as well as others. release notes are copied below.
Once again, thanks to everyone who reported issues and helped to track
things down and test! Please continue to let us know if you run into any
Thank you and keep on ChucKin'!
Best wishes,
Spencer, Ge + on behalf of chuck team!
- (added) chuck now automatically detects and uses next highest
or closest (in that order) system sample rate in
the case where the default is not available; if a sample
rate requested via --srate: is not available, an error
will be encountered with a message.
- (fixed) base parent object is correctly accounted for by
new shred when sporking member functions
(thanks to Michael Heuer for reporting and
narrowing this down)
- (fixed) popping local variables from the operand stack in cases
where the datatype size is larger than int-size; this
is a bug introduced with 64-bit in, and exhibited
on 32-bit systems only. (thanks to Simon Steptoe
reporting and narrowing this down)
- (fixed) opening real-time audio with 0 input channels should
now work, once again.
chuck-users mailing list