On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Kassen
Another interesting contrast is how Impromptu uses plugins for the sound generation. I don't think that would be as satisfying to me as writing my own ways of creating sounds but it does make a lot of sense in a livecoding environment where the focus might be on the generation of music more than on the technique on a sonological level.
Not as satisfying? Well, you could always write the plugins too.
Was that using a wireless network? I'm not sure how the jitter of a wireless network would affect the timeserver protocols NetClock needs to sync the computer clocks. There has been some talk about that on the NetClock list but I'm not sure any conclusions have been reached. I could ask if it's relevant to you.
Yeah, a wireless network. And for whatever reason (AirPort updates, OS
X updates, variation in laptop hardware), timing issues got worse from
the previous year. Actually, I don't know how this was solved in the
end, because I think things had improved by the end (or maybe we
stopped relying on the network so much and I didn't notice)...
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Daniel Trueman
On Apr 29, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Tom Lieber wrote:
A lot of rehearsal time in PLOrk this past semester was dedicated to synchronizing the performers because we lacked good network synchronization.
i've come to view this as a feature, not a bug... ;--}
I chose my words carefully! There's no way I can view getting everybody to practice being in sync as a bad thing, but having the option of good network synchronization means we can make pieces where players can give their full attention to something else, like making patterns in beepsh. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/