16 Oct
16 Oct
11:04 a.m.
I have two questions for the ChucK group - 1) regarding the midisender.ck file located at: http://www.rattus.net/~packrat/audio/ChucK/files/midisender.ck how do I use this in ChucK? I'm assuming that I need to drop it somewhere so it can be called by ChucK. I use ChucK on both Windows and Linux. 2) I need to be able to figure out how to handle time-based stuff using bpm. for example, if I have a song that is 80 bpm, how do I send quarter notes at that tempo? I've done some research on the 'net, and it seems that figuring this out is harder than I think it should be. considering I'm a math idiot, can someone give me some simple(r) way to do this? -- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.com