On 9/3/07, Arthur Clemens <arthur@visiblearea.com> wrote:
No, this is just because of the way applets are quit in Java. If 'chuck --kill' is sent the processed are killed normally, so ChucK behaves predictable
The public class not used in the demo, but I kept the file because that is the way I would ideally solve it.
So even if 'fileplayer.ck' is called earlier, it is added last to the VM. First the chuckdemo.ck files are run and they do not know any FilePlayer class at that time.Note that the order varies at each run. Sometimes the FilePlayer class is added second or third, sometimes first.I don't know if this is because of the way Java calls the processes, or if class initialization in ChucK happens after file processing.
So I would be fine if I could call for each file: 'chuck -add fileplayer.ck chuckdemo.ck:with:a:lot:of:params ', but after the first file ChucK is bailing out:[fileplayer.ck ]:line(1): class/type 'FilePlayer' is already defined in namespace 'global'why can't it just ignore this?