IIRC, note offs are sometimes sent as note ons (0x9n = 144 for channel 0) with velocity 0, and sometimes as the dedicated note off message  (0x8n = 128 for channel 0) - which of these methods you get depends on the controller.

So try removing the "if (msg.data1 != 144) continue" lines, change the next if line to "if (msg.data1 != 144 and msg.data3 > 0)", and change else to "else if (msg.data1 == 128)", and see how that works. This is coded off the top of my head, but I hope you see what I mean.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:45 AM, Andrew C. Smith <acsmith@willamette.edu> wrote:
I'm running into problems getting the MIDI polyphony working.
Specifically, in the ChucK examples, I'm catching all of the noteon
messages but none of the noteoffs.  One thing, I don't really
understand what "off @=> us[note];" is supposed to do, when "off" is
an Event.  Basically, all of my noteon messages are coming as [144 key
vel] while my noteoffs are coming as [128 key 64].  How does this
work?  I don't see anything for message 128 in the source code.  I'm
testing on this one:

Thanks everyone.  I tried reprogramming my keyboard (Korg Kontrol49)
but I couldn't figure out how to make it work.

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