On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 02:54:10PM -0500, Jordan Orelli wrote:
wait a second... can ChucK just read from /dev/ttyUSB directly? I don't know how the /dev files operate, but maybe what we're saying is a really roundabout way of just mounting the arduino as a TTY like in the article I linked and having ChucK read from the device file. I don't have an arduino to try it out, but... it's worth trying if anyone wants to give it a whirl ;)
I think so. I never tried it with a arduino, but a bit ago I was trying to get some annoying multi-media keys to work and just ran "cat" on the "/dev/input/blah-blah-blah" of the keyboard to confirm I was getting data. You can, they are just files. For some you may need root and some of the stuff in /dev may be best left alone, on top of that nothing says the output you get will make intuitive sense... but yes you can. Basically everything in Unix is abstracted to the OS as being a file and those you can read from or write to, just like any other process can. Have fun, Kas. Disclaimer; poking around is good fun and educational. It's safe to assume that all UNIX experts poked around... but it's also safe to assume that the expertise was gained in learning what not to touch by burning one's finger. (same holds true for Windows, BTW)