On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 09:10:59AM -0400, Matt Bard wrote:
Thank you for clarifying a few things. There was a definite fallacy in my loopRec understanding. Your response cleared that up.
It happens, I had something quite similar last week where I talked about "loop" in the sense of "iterate over.." and my discussion partner assumed there was some signal feedback. Such oddities in natural languages can easily throw us for a loop ;-)
That comment made me scratch my head too after looking at it. I just botched my comment. Everything is working just as expected there except my commenting ability.
No problem, I was just making sure because misunderstandings are easy to have.
So, it appears that I do understand what is going on. My issue then is simply that I cannot call .clear() appropriately (.duration was my backup which also failed). Hopefully that will get fixed at some point, or maybe I can write a function to clear things out myself to see if that works. Thanks again for all your insight.
Well, the easiest way of manually clearing would be to write a loop that would write a 0.0 to each valueAt() location. However, that would, as Dan pointed out, be doing *exactly* what .clear() does in LiSa's source. That doesn't seem like a solution to me, especially not as a loop in ChucK will never be as fast as one in the C++ source. It's also odd to me that you'd get a error from Jack and not ChucK. A ChucK error could happen if there would be a typo in the source, Jack only gets involved once there is a generated signal (from LiSa in this case) that made it through the UGen graph, to the output and to the sound system. Could you send the most simple example possible that will create this error for you, as well as the exact error? It may also be relevant to know whether you are using Jackd1 or Jackd2 (check in your package manager, probably Synaptic). I'd also be interested in knowing whether you are using some exceptionally small buffer size. Oh, and the exact error you get when calling .duration() as well, please. Contrary to Dan I am on Linux so I could try to reproduce this and we can -hopefully- make some guesses about what is going wrong. Yours, Kas.