Hi list, i been reading a paper that talks about an approach for generating sound that uses functions to directly shape waveforms. The function receives "expresions" as argument and it generates different kind of 8 bit waveforms from the expressions. An expression can look like this: f(t) = t * ( t >> 8 * ( t >>15 | t >> 8) & 20 | ( t >>19) * 5 >> t | t >> 3)) The paper describes the algorithm in this way: algorithm 1 : Construction of an 8-bit waveform of 8000Hz sample rate: The function has 2 inputs : Input 1) a functional expresion f(t) Input 2 ) time durations in seconds (d) Output: the waveform of an audio signal with seconds duration for t = 1 to d8000 do if f(t) ==NaN then q(t) <-- 0 else q(t) <-- mod(f(t)), 256) end if s(t) <-- 2 q(t)/255 - 1 end for If its possible to implement this approach for generating sound in chuck?? cheers R.