2011/5/18 Matt B.
How about you receive what your friend is doing after a predictable delay, so like it's buffered, and you're in sync with them in a quarter note sense but hearing what they did a bar earlier... So say it's in 4/4 time, everything will still sound okay, but to each user you're hearing what the other guy did a bar ago... make sense?
well, i'm not coding it, but i think a more free form approach [without barlines] is what i was imagining. also, network latency will not often match up with beats. if that kind of rhythmic precision is important, perhaps ChucK could do the quantizing itself. i was thinking more or non metered music- collections of sounds. [ambient, "field recordings", and the like] -- \js : "verbing weirds language." -calvin [http://or8.net/~johns/]