Last night I sat down and was able to modify polyfony.ck to use a SawOsc instead of the Mandolin. My next step was to try to connect that oscillator to a filter, but how do I do that? My thinking was after I get done with defining my SawOsc parameters, I could just chuck the oscillator to the filter, like so? s => moog; (s is my SawOsc, and moog is Moog.) However this didn't work so well. When I did it, the osc stopped tracking note/frequency, and just played a single note all over the keyboard. Does anyone have any examples of a more complete subtractive synthesizer that I can model mine after? Final question: Is monophonic operation with glide out of the question with ChucK? Thanks, -- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.com http://www.joshlawrencetrio.com