I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each. I have two cound cards in the system. The first is onboard and I normally use for system sounds, browsers, etc. The second is the HDSP which I normally use with Jack: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: CK804 [NVidia CK804], device 0: Intel ICH [NVidia CK804] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: CK804 [NVidia CK804], device 2: Intel ICH - IEC958 [NVidia CK804 - IEC958] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: DSP [Hammerfall DSP], device 0: RME Hammerfall HDSP 9652 [RME Hammerfall HDSP 9652] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I can play audio through the first card using aplay, as I do here: aplay /home/mark/Desktop/My\ Data/Music/Painting\ After\ Hours/AFTERHOURS\ EDM\ pahPROMO\ 01.wav Using Alsa chuck seems to be unhappy with my first sound card. Same results using 44.1K or 48K: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck.alsa --srate44100 ChuckExample1.ck [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for given stream parameters: ... RtApiAlsa: pcm device (hw:CK804,0) won't open: Device or resource busy. ... RtApiAlsa: pcm device (hw:CK804,1) won't open: No such file or directory. ... RtApiAlsa: error setting sample rate (44100) on device (hw:CK804,2): Invalid argument. ... RtApiAlsa: pcm capture open (hw:DSP,0) error: Device or resource busy. [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I don't see how the device is busy in the sense that I have no problem playing audio through it with aplay. When I try to use chuck with the second card I see the segfault. Jack is running at 44.1K: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck.jack --srate44100 ChuckExample1.ck Segmentation fault mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck.jack --srate44100 ChuckExample1.ck --verbose [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): setting log level to: 5 (INFORM)... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing virtual machine... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | behavior: HALT [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | locking down special objects... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | allocating shreduler... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | allocating messaging buffers... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | real-time audio: YES [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | mode: CALLBACK [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | sample rate: 44100 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | buffer size: 512 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | num buffers: 8 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | devices adc: 0 dac: 0 (default 0) [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | channels in: 2 out: 2 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing compiler... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing type checker... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | adding base classes... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'object' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'array' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'string' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'ugen' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'uanablob' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'uana' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'shred' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'event' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'io' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'class' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing emitter... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | loading built-in modules... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module osc... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module xxx... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module filter... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module STK... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module xform... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module extract... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'machine'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'std'... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | initializing KBHitManager... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | starting kb loop... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'math'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'opsc'... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): type dependency resolution: MANUAL [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing synthesis engine... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'dac'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'adc'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'blackhole'... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | initializing 'real-time' audio... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | initializing callback... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | new buffer size: 512 -> 256 [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | allocating buffers for 256 x 2 samples... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): starting compilation... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): starting listener on port: 8888... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): running virtual machine... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing audio buffers... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | virtual machine running... Segmentation fault mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I hope this is just me making some small mistake. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Mark